Sponsor a Child or Student

Begin the Journey

Sponsor a Child or Student

Posted in each of our homes is the mantra: "You will never be the same." The investment in a child's life, the knowing that you are a part of God's vision, is something truly special. Time and time again, we hear about the experiences that sponsors, volunteers and missionaries have at FFHM, and they all point to the truth that God is at work here.

In joining God's vision for FFHM, you are choosing to provide an opportunity that these children may never have had. From poverty and violence, the children at the mission may never have to know the life in which they came from. Here, they are provided an opportunity for a future. Let us walk this journey with them.

Your role as a sponsor is two-fold:

1. Financially assist by helping provide food, clothing, shelter, medical care, tuition, etc.

2. Spiritually support by praying for and encouraging them.

Three types of Sponsorships:

1. Child Sponsorship: Over 160 children are lovingly cared for at our children's homes in Baja and Oaxaca.

2. Student Sponsorship: Approximately 20 students are pursuing higher education in Mexican universities and technical schools while living in our Tijuana Apartments. They’re studying to become doctors, lawyers, dentists, architects, social workers, teachers, etc.

3. In the Bible Institute at the Baja mission, students are studying to become future evangelists and pastors. They come from all over Mexico to receive two years of intensive Biblical training and a one year practicum.

What does it Cost?

4 levels of Sponsorship are offered:

1. Full Sponsorship | $400 monthly
2. Co-Sponsorship | $200 monthly
3. Partial Sponsorship | $35 monthly
4. Supporting Sponsor | < $35 monthly

We understand that sponsorship is a huge commitment and want everyone to be involved in God's plan for their lives and the children's. Whether it is Full, Supporting or One-Time sponsorship, we are so blessed to have you be a part of God's plan!